How long is a clinical trial?
Generally, Phase I trials are conducted over several months (six to nine months) whilst Phase II trials take six months to three years. Phase III trials tend to be of longer duration, lasting one to four years. Phase IV trials are conducted after the new drug has been marketed and the duration of the trials may last two to five years or longer....
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How is a new drug/medicine developed?
An experimental drug/medicine must first goes through rigorous testing in the laboratory. If the experimental drug/medicine has the potential to treat illness, it will undergo animal testing (also known as preclinical/non-clinical studies) to investigate the safety, toxicity and effect of the drug. The experimental drug/medicine must pass the animal testing before it can be tested in human. It can take an average of 13...
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What is a clinical trial?
Clinical trials are research studies designed to answer specific questions about investigational drugs that may benefit future patients and current research participants. The trials are designed to assess both the safety and effectiveness of new drugs in humans. Clinical trial is conducted in phases. There are four phases (Phase I, II, III and IV) of clinical trial, each phase with different purposes and durations....
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