Category Archives: GCP Workshop
GCP Workshop – Ho Chi Minh 24-26 Sept 2010
Info Kinetics & Gleneagles CRC in collaboration with MRC (Vietnam) are going to conduct the inaugural ICH-GCP Workshop 2010 in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. The workshop is from 24th – 26th, September 2010 at the Oscar-Saigon Hotel, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. This is an approved ICH-GCP workshop by the Ministry of Health (MOH), Vietnam and endorsed by Murdoch University, Western Australia. Workshop...
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GCP Workshop 2009, Jakarta
Gleneagles CRC and RESPINA (Respiratory Care of Indonesia) is jointly organising the 3rd GCP Workshop in Jakarta, Indonesia. Date: 03-04 December 2009 Venue: Borobodur Hotel, Jakarta For further information, please contact Deny Lingga ( GCP Workshop 2009, Jakarta [googlemap lat=”-6.171175″ lng=”106.836395″ width=”550px” height=”250px” zoom=”15″ type=”G_NORMAL_MAP”]DKI Jakarta 10110, Indonesia[/googlemap]...
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GCP Workshop 2009
Info Kinetics’ 4th GCP Workshop was a huge success, and our heartfelt gratitude goes out to all the participants who were fully engaged in the 3 day workshop. Themed, ‘GCP Idol’, our sporting participants ‘sang’ their lungs out, ‘danced’ to the fast pace and graduated with flying colours! Here’s a picture of the graduating class. This year’s GCP Workshop was held in Gleneagles Intan Medical Centre,...
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