Info Kinetics & Gleneagles CRC in collaboration with MRC (Vietnam) are going to conduct the inaugural ICH-GCP Workshop 2010 in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam.
The workshop is from 24th – 26th, September 2010 at the Oscar-Saigon Hotel, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam.
This is an approved ICH-GCP workshop by the Ministry of Health (MOH), Vietnam and endorsed by Murdoch University, Western Australia.
Workshop Highlights:
- Introduction to Clinical Research.
- Understand the Principles of ICH-GCP.
- Role of Ethics Committee.
- Elements of Informed Consent.
- The Responsibilities & Golden-Rules of Sponsor, Investigator and Study Monitor.
- Safety Reporting.
- Handling of Biological Specimens.
- Recruitment Strategies.
- Good Documentation Practice
- Good Clinical Trial Site
- Introduction to Bioavailability and Bioequivalence Studies.
Key Highlights:
Approved ICH-GCP workshop by the MOH, Vietnam & endorsed by Murdoch University, Western Australia.
Listen to Invited International & Local Speakers from the Academia, the MOH, Vietnam; the Pharmaceutical Industry and the Clinical Research Organization.
Excellent location: Oscar-Saigon Hotel, District 1, HCMC, Vietnam.
Wait no more and mark your calendar! 24th – 26th September 2010
Contact us at:
+84-903-623249 letrinhmrc@yahoo.comvn (Vietnam) or
+62-21-5207739 (outside Vietnam)
Download Flyer & Registration Form [flyer-gcp-workshop-vietnam-26jul2010]